
03 Oct, 2021

Statement by Irakli Kobakhidze, Chairman of the "Georgian Dream - Democratic Georgia"

We would like to inform you about the preliminary election results according to the election protocols, i.e., we are talking about official protocols, which we are receiving from polling stations. As we announced today, these data are posted on the relevant web portal, elections2021.ge, where they can be viewed by any citizen, any one of you. In the coming hours, the information on this portal will be constantly updated at intervals of about 10 minutes and finally, in two-three hours, the information on the results of the elections will be presented in full. At this stage, the results from Tbilisi have not been presented yet as it takes more time to count the results in the city.

As regards the data available at this stage: 544 out of 3,743 precincts have been counted, which amounts to 14,53% of the precincts. About 139,000 votes have been counted in total, and the results are as follows:

Georgian Dream – 52.54%

United National Movement – 29.45%

For Georgia – 5.71%

Other parties have lower results.

It is our expectation, given everything, given the analysis, that the final results will approximate the exit poll results published by Imedi TV and Gorbi. As you are aware, the figure announced by them in terms of exit poll results was 47.6%, and this is our ultimate expectation.

To reiterate, citizens will be able to receive constantly updated information on the above-mentioned website – elections2021.ge.